Het forum van Ouders.nl is een online community waar iedereen respectvol met elkaar omgaat. Het forum is er voor ouders met vragen over opvoeding, ouderschap, ontwikkeling, gezondheid, school en alle andere dingen die je als ouder tegenkomt in het leven.
25-09-2023 om 12:38
I am an expat and recently migrated to Netherlands. I just joined my 4 years old son to school, he is bit hyper and is not paying attention to teachers. So, he is now stopped from school from 21st September . When I connected with GP he said that CJG can help him getting the right school.
However, my son getting bored and desperate by staying at house whole day. I have requested for an appointment. But, I would like to know if there is anything that I can do sooner to get him the schooling early or find the right school.
10-11-2023 om 14:12
Is it possible to enroll your son in a primary school of Salto or SKPO in Eindhoven?Schools in Meerhoven even have so many expat children that teachers are being sent to language courses to brush up their English. RBOB de Kempen only contains small village schools, they might just not be equipped to solve problems expat families are facing. Even if school organisations can be held legally responsible, they cannot do wonders. In my opinion there is a responsability for ASML as well if they keep on attracting families from all over the world.
10-11-2023 om 14:32
senthilkumar schreef op 09-11-2023 om 19:12:
.I am in touch with Gemeente but they are doing contacting other organisation. But I did not see any change has happened. Can some one help me know what can I do further?
I am an expat new to netherlands.
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