09-09-2016 om 01:46
Help, mijn kind wordt 18!
Hello, sorry I can only write in English.May be somebody can help me with advise.
My son is now 18 years old, he has 3 chronic illnesses(diabetes, astma,schildklier hypothyreoïdie).Since he is 18 y.o. I am in financial problem because I do not get anymore kinderbijslag.My son gets from DUO 191 euro + 80 euro zorgtoeslag, but it is still not enough to cover all his basic needs.He can not find a job which he can do because of his illnesses.He is in college, getting there Deelcertificaten WMBO.
Is there any chance that he can get uitkering before he finds a job?or may be he can get money from other organisation because he has 3 chronic illnesses?Can you please help us with it?Because in the nearest future I will not be able even to pay his travel costs to school or even bye food.
Kind regards.
09-09-2016 om 22:16
Is it possible for him to loan money from DUO for his daily living and his study?
Ginny Twijfelvuur
10-09-2016 om 14:19
Niet verstandig Tsjor
I think it would be better, if you would go first to the nearest WMO-loket of your town hall (gemeentehuis). They should be able to help you out.
Making debts is probably only a shorttime solution.
11-09-2016 om 10:08
If the son gets money from DUO, then I suppose he is studying. When he studies, and he does not get enough money, he can, just like other children, loan money from DUO.
I don't know what de WMO can do for him, if he does not need any help for his daily activity's. The chronic diseases were there before he was 18, so that's not the problem. The problem is the change in financial support for parents when a child gets 18, whether the child is sick or healthy. This is a big problem for every parent.
Perhaps it is possible to get a wajong-uitkering for him. That is support for young people who are disabled. You can ask more information at the UWV.
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