Onderzoeks-oproepen en enquêtes Onderzoeks-oproepen en enquêtes

Onderzoeks-oproepen en enquêtes

Making Good Habits Fun for Kids

Hello Dutch parents!

I'm Alireza, a software engineer living in Breda with my family (my wife and my 12-year-old son). We moved to the beautiful Netherlands from Iran last year after I got an IT job here. After a year, we're almost settled (if the energy bills let us!).

Like many of you, my wife and I have many concerns about raising our son well and teaching him life lessons without hassles. But as kids grow physically and mentally, it gets harder to make them do things (you know, when they don't listen to you or even sometimes talk back! 😩).

As they say, "modern problems require modern solutions," and since I'm a software engineer, I thought about creating a game app that encourages kids to do their tasks, maintain good habits, and earn prizes. I tested a very simple version of it with my son with a "One Month Bath Challenge!" He was supposed to bathe every three days for one month, with some prizes set for the end of the challenge (some Robux or something! 😁). It really went well! He was counting the days and kept his streak. Even after the challenge ended, he suggested more challenges!

This experience taught me that we need to make things fun for them, and since the current generation is all about screens, we should engage them through their favorite medium.

Now, I need your help and advice to shape this app and make it useful for every Dutch parent. I prepared an online form that you can fill out anonymously. It only takes 5 minutes of your time but will help me a lot.

Survey Link

I will also keep an eye on this thread for any feedback or comments you have for me.

Nice day!

Ook al is bovenstaande tekst in het Engels, de enquete is gewoon in het Nederlands. Succes met afstuderen.



12-06-2024 om 20:54 Topicstarter

Daylight lamp wrote on 12-06-2024 at 20:13:

Even though the above text is in English, the survey is in Dutch. Good luck with graduation.

Thank you! I'm still learning Dutch but it takes time...

This sounds like a great idea. I know there are apps like this for people with ADHD and ASS (Autism) because they tend to struggle with daily tasks, but this could surely be beneficial to younger children.



14-06-2024 om 11:28 Topicstarter

AlisonH schreef op 13-06-2024 om 09:53:

This sounds like a great idea. I know there are apps like this for people with ADHD and ASS (Autism) because they tend to struggle with daily tasks, but this could surely be beneficial to younger children.

Thank you Alison! Your feedback is much appreciated!

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