Weet jij welke voedingsstoffen je extra nodig hebt tijdens de zwangerschap? Deze vitamines zorgen voor een gezonde zwangerschap
Echtscheiding en erna Echtscheiding en erna

Echtscheiding en erna

Separation with toddler and baby


I need some help please as I don’t understand the Dutch system well. 

I’ve been married for nearly 5 years and always had issues with my him. Two years into it I realised he had some neurological problems so I begged him to see the doctor.  He was referred and diagnosed with ADHD.  I also think he’s autistic. 
non of the above is a problem if only he would take responsibility for his mental health. 
It’s at a point now that I’ve asked social workers for help as he’s becoming controlling and not accepting that I want to work and be financially independent. He and his parents just gaslight me non stop and now I’ve put my foot down because this situation is not healthy for me my toddler and unborn child. 
My question is when I separate, how much time will my children stay with me?  I believe it’s best for children to have healthy   relationship with both parents but as I will be EBF the new born till they’re 9months old how will visitation work? And sleepovers?  He’s someone who isn’t aware of dangers and doesn’t really do any caring atm for the 18month old. 
Still he needs to see his kids. It’s well documented in his medical file that he’s not interested in any help be it therapy or meds and my huisarts constantly tells me that am doing myself more harm than good staying with him. 

What happens in cases like these? Anyone has similar experiences?

thanks in advance 

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like a very stressful time for you.

I'm going through divorce right now with two young children. When I took the decision one daughter was 3 years old, the youngest one 8 months. We're now almost a year further and still in the divorce. I'm still breastfeeding the youngest one, at least until she's two. So slightly similar situation. The youngest one didn't sleep at her father's place until she was one year old. And now it's maximum one night. 

There are no fixed rules on how you will arrange the time with the children. Ideally you and your soon to be ex make a plan together, maybe with a mediator. If that doesn't work out, you can take the step to get a lawyer.

I'm sorry, I'm very tired now so won't go into details. I did send you a pm. 



19-06-2022 om 12:33 Topicstarter

MevrouwKrul schreef op 19-06-2022 om 00:33:

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like a very stressful time for you.

I'm going through divorce right now with two young children. When I took the decision one daughter was 3 years old, the youngest one 8 months. We're now almost a year further and still in the divorce. I'm still breastfeeding the youngest one, at least until she's two. So slightly similar situation. The youngest one didn't sleep at her father's place until she was one year old. And now it's maximum one night.

There are no fixed rules on how you will arrange the time with the children. Ideally you and your soon to be ex make a plan together, maybe with a mediator. If that doesn't work out, you can take the step to get a lawyer.

I'm sorry, I'm very tired now so won't go into details. I did send you a pm.

Interesting. I don’t mind how long the process will take as long as I leave the house. 

Forgot to mention baby is due in December by then toddler will be 2yrs. 

Looking forward to my single parent life

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